Milk Facts & Definitions


Whole (HVD) Milk: Minimum of 3.25% Milkfat

Reduced Fat Milk: Approximately 2% Milkfat

Lowfat Milk: Approximately 1% Milkfat

Fat Free Milk: Approximately 0.5% Milkfat


Half and Half Cream: Is a mixture of milk and cream - Contains 10.5% - 18% Milkfat

Light Cream: Also know as table cream and coffee cream is 18% - 30% Milkfat

Heavy Cream: May be called heavy whipping cream, contains at least 36% Milkfat


Pasteurization: Named after French Chemist Louis Pasteur, pasteurization is a process which exposes milk at 161 Degrees Fahrenheit for at least 15 seconds, reducing bacteria and providing a product which last more than a few days.


Ultra Pasteurization: UP, also know as UHT - Ultra High Temperature. This is a pasteurization process where milk/cream is exposed to high temperatures (280 Degrees Fahrenheit or higher) for a few seconds, killing greater amounts of bacteria, thus extending the shelf life of the product.